Logline: A young genius who creates a program granting citizens virtual escapism, learns their totalitarian government is misusing her creation to sedate and control its citizens.
It’s 2215 and Jaye Franco, a seventeen-year-old S.T.E.A.M candidate at Tech City University, is the creator of Geoscape, a virtual travel experience program. As a curator, docent, and aficionado of the early 20th century, Jaye desires to return humanity back to a time before living underground.
Along with her assigned security AI and only friend Samantha, Jaye plots to rekindle the spark of humanity within Tech City lost while dismantling their government. But what she doesn’t know is that Samantha , has a mind–and plan–of her own.
NOTE: Proof of Concept, based on “Blackout” screenplay 1997 by Kandie Delley
Kandie Delley
li'l BIG Sis Films
Kandie Delley
Abby Addai and Brandon Settles
June 22, 2021